6 Steps to design your marketing plan (Infografia)
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1. Collect data
Every little thing is important, not only «numbers» but also opinions, moods, feelings, illusions or intentions.
2. Analysis
Now that we have the data, we analyze them in detail, looking for strengths and weaknesses. We must be objective and very critical.
3. Project
Let’s use all our intelligence and knowledge. Brainstorming, workflows, checkpoints, objectives …
It’s time to make a plan!
4. Work
All working, Communication and coordination between all parties is essential. The well-geared machinery …
5. Control
Are we on the right path? It’s time to look to the side and see if we’re all paddling in the same direction. Errors are allowed, correction is mandatory.
6. Results
Let’s have a beer at the bar, but do not fall asleep and go back to step # 1. We must start working on our next project.